Well, I was going to post the BSD (Belgian Shepherd Dog) next but I'm going to show a wolf instead! It's a painting I finished a while ago. What a goregous fellow! Surely this must be one of the most misunderstood and persecuted animals in the world. Big, bad wolf - NOT!
This is an acrylic painting and not my usual watercolour. One of the wonderful things about using acrylic paint is that if you make any mistakes, no problem- just paint over them! Not like watercolour where a mistake can be a disaster. Later on in the blog I will give a few hints and tips about watercolour painting which I have discovered over the years. As I am also going to give oil painting a try soon, I will let you share in my trials and tribulations with that medium!
The weather's taken a turn for the worse here so my dogs are curled up on the sofa snoozing, As usual - lucky them!